.:Countdown time:.

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
C.N. Blue - I Don't Know Why lyrics

I think about you a lottake care I wanna do
And I wish I think about you all the time my life.
I think about you a lot take care, do you wannado?
Of course I know your situation backwards too

See my eyes, (in my eyes) see my lips (in mylips), See my face
(I would like to know what you really think I wanna)

I don't know why I don't know why I love you baby
I don't know why I don't know how to put it baby, I don't know how to do

Long time no see anything new down your way canyou hear this
She is not fussed about my news I don't care I'munderstand
Long time no see anything new down your way canyou hear this
She is not fussed about my news world you mindlook at me boo

I think about you a lot take care I wanna do
And I wish, don't be silly she is popular
I think about you a lot take care, do you wannado?
Everyday I want you in my life all about you

See my eyes, (in my eyes) see my lips (in mylips), See my face
(I would like to know what you really think Iwanna)

I don't know why I don't know why I love you baby
I don't know why I don't know how to put it baby, I don't know how to do

Long time no see anything new down your way canyou hear this
She is not fussed about my news I don't care I'munderstand
Long time no see anything new down your way canyou hear this
She is not fussed about my news world you mindlook at me boo

In my eyes in my lips, See my face
I would like to know what you really think I wanna

You don't know why, you don't know why I brotherwith you
I don't know why I don't know why you wanna do mewrong don't tell me goodbye

Long time no see anything new down your way canyou hear this
She is not fussed about my news I don't care I'munderstand
Long time no see anything new down your way canyou hear this
She is not fussed about my news world you mindlook at me boo

Lyrics | C.N. Blue lyrics - I Don't Know Why lyrics

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

lame xupdte blog nie...
kowg sume pe kabar??
xde pe yg aq nk share arini..
juz nk inform yg aq da dpt keje da...
hahahaha at last....aq t da jd owg jb..
jay bee here i come....
wish aq berjaya ea...
berjaya tok survive tnpa famly n harungi hdp sowg2 kt ngri owg...
ok daa chaow chin chaow..

Thursday, November 4, 2010

for the rest of my life

For The Rest Of my Life-Maher Zain
I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You found me home and sail with me
And I`m here with youNow let me let you know
You`ve opened my heartI was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along
And theres a couple words I want to say
Chorus:For the rest of my lifeI`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my timeI`ll be loving you.loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I…I`ll be there for you
I know that deep in my heartI feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You`re my wife and my friend and my strength
And I pray we`re together eternallyNow I find myself so strong
Everything changed when you came along
And theres a couple word I want to say
*Repeat Chorus
I know that deep in my heart now that you`re here
Infront of me I strongly feel love
And I have no doubt
And I`m singing loud that I`ll love you eternally
Repeat Chorus
I know that deep in my heart..

Sunday, March 28, 2010


emmm lme x update blog ni....hehehehe
lptop problem r....xley connect tenet lak aii...
cuti break sem da abis...mggu test n mid term pown da abis
ni tggal tok stdy n yg plg pnting stdy muet...
em 2 satu hal ag...lgsg xstdy pape tup2 24.4 ni nk amek muet...
nta mcm ne ar aq jwb t...hehehe
da r x pandai speaking an...
pape pon aq kena stdy gak law nk smbg degree t...
huhuhu k r ni r wat mse ni...
chaw chin chaw...

Monday, March 8, 2010

kemaluan thp gaban!@seliparku!!

wei malunye!!!

smlm aq nk g kafe tok li mknn...

da spruh pejlanan aq t'tggl clorox yg nad pesan...

aq pon blek r blik..tup2 nk cpt nye psl aq tslh pkai selipar...

sebelah selipar len n sblh ag len...

peh sumph segan r wei...

aq da r xprasan psl 2 smpai kt blik ika...

kt kafe lak de sowg mmt ni tgk je kt aq n pastu snym2 lak kt aq..

aq ngan muke xbslah trus snym blek...

wei malunye...xnk jmpe bdk tu ag wei....

yg wt aq musykil sgt tu..

mcm ne aq ley x prasan yg selipar tu sblh tebl n sblh nipis...

pelik bin ajaib r...bodoh tol aq ni...mcm ne r lgsg xprasan nie.... (^,^)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

pe yg berlaku??

emm aq nk citer psl mlm pra graduan nih...sbnrnye ade ke x ni??
ari tu ckp beria2 mcm de...ciap bncg psl tema, bju n bnyk ag...
seingat aq dowg suh byr sblum 1 mac tp aq rse rmai bdk kls aq yg xg coz xdgr dowg kecoh2 suh byr wit....
sbnrne pe cer ngan event 2 ea??? jd ke x??
law diberi choice aq xg kowt...mls r...mst xbez mcm dsk nite ag...
papun aq ag ske dsk nite coz event 2 tok sume bdk cos aq....


emmm arini jmpe my cute!!! ske3x....
emm dy skrg mkin chubby r...

br lps l.i ktekan....
da puas mkn mskn mk....

hehehe eeee puas aq control ayu ptg td....hahaha
emm dy mcm tau je spe aq...
cre dy pndg aq len mcm jew....
wei dy da tau spe aq ke ea??

emm mntk2 dy x tau ag r an....
law x sumph segan r wei....

Monday, March 1, 2010

hehehe mse ni ktowg g picnic kt bt 4 @pd...bez tol...kononnye nk mndi tp tup2 smpai sne x jd mndi coz tkot kaki hlg t...hahaha...so keje ktowg kt sne adlah cuci mte smbil gedik2 amek gmbr...
emm ktowg sbnrnye nk kumpul kngan last sem@polipd ni...emm nta ble r jmpe dowg ag kn...nk2 grup aq sume len negeri...de jhor, n9, ganu, penang n aq mlk....mcm2 aq rse skrg ni...gmbira nk abis stdy, excited nk grad, sedey nk tgglkn poli n kwn2 sume...n yg plg sedey skli xdpt jumpe mycute lg.... ='(


hehehe jumpe dy ari ni.....
law kowg nk tau dy ni pon aq admirer gak....
kowg msti pelik npe aq ltk title kt ats ni chipsmore an??
hehe rahsia nye bdk ni sek hlg je dr pndgn aq...
kejp ade kejp xde...2 yg aq bg nme chipsmore kt dy 2...
cuci mte je r beb ari ni...

Selagi ada rindu (^,^)

Selagi Ada Bulan Mentari
Selagi Ada Berkasihani
Selagi Ada Bulan Dan Bintang
Selagi Ada Berkasih Sayang

Selagi Ada Ombak Dan Laut
Selagi Hatiku Terpaut
Selagi Ada Turunnya Hujan
Selagi Ada Rahmat Tuhan

Selagi Ada Langit Dan Bumi
Selagi Cintaku Bersemi

Selagi Ada Waktu
Selagi Ada Rindu
Biar Beribu Batu
Ingin Aku Bertemu

Oh Kasih (Oh Kasih)
Damailah (Damailah)
Engkau Disana

Ku Berdoa (Ku Berdoa)
Pada Tuhan (Pada Tuhan)
Agar Kau Bahagia

Sunday, February 28, 2010

rindu bangat!!

emmm lame x update blog nie....
sbnrnye aq nk luahkan prasaan niiii!!!
emm rindu bangat kat MY CUTE??? (kwn2 rpt aq je yg tau spe dy)
mcm ne life dy agknye kan?? slalu nmpk kt poli tp dy xtau spe aq...
sedih gak r coz da lme x msg dy...da nekad xnk kaco dy ag....
emm rindu tol kt dye...
law r dy tau spe aq ni kn?? pe reaksi dy kn??
rse2 dy prnh nmpk aq kt poli ni x ea??
mcm2 persoalan yg bermain kt pikiran aq!!!
tlg!!! spe yg bley jwb soalan aq nie???
pe yg patut aq wat??
contct dy ato lupekan dy??
ainur, aina, yus, nad tlg aq wei....

10 pErKara leLaKi iTu rUmiT!!

1.Jika kamu melayannya dengan baik, dia fikir kamu jatuh cinta kepadanya.
Jika tidak, kamu akan dianggapnya sombong.

2. Jika kamu berpakaian cantik, dia fikir kamu sedang cuba untuk menggodanya.
Jika tidak, dia kata kamu kekampungan.

3. Jika kamu berdebat dengannya, dia kata kamu keras kepala.
Jika kamu berdiam diri, dia kata kamu tak ada IQ tinggi.

4. Jika kamu lebih pintar daripada dia, dia akan jatuh air muka.
Jika dia yang lebih pintar, dia bilang hebat.

5. Jika kamu tidak cinta padanya, dia akan cuba mendapatkanmu bermati-matian.
Jika kamu mencintainya, dia akan cuba untuk meninggalkanmu.

6. Jika kamu beritahu dia masalahmu, dia kata kamu menyusahkan.
Jika tidak, dia tuduh kamu tidak mempercayainya..

7. Jika kamu cerewet padanya, dia anggap kamu seperti seorang pengasuh .
Jika dia yang cerewet pada kamu, itu kerana dia mengambil berat.

8. Jika kamu mungkir janji kamu, kamu tidak boleh dipercayai.
Jika dia yang ingkari janjinya, dia melakukannya kerana terpaksa.

9. Jika kamu menyakitinya, kamu sangat kejam.
Jika dia yang menyakitimu, itu kerana kamu terlalu sensitif dan terlalu sukar
untuk dijaga hati.

10. Jika kamu mengirimkan ini pada lelaki-lelaki, mereka pasti bersumpah semua
ini tidak benar